Would you like to support our Foundation’s purposes without becoming a member? Or do you find a project so exciting that you would like to help the Foundation with an additional donation above your membership fee? Then you can currently support the following projects:

WERK.STOFF Kunstpreis
CD-Produktion CREDO
Andreas Felger Kunst.Stationen – Mittel- und Norddeutschland

Voluntary donations are tax deductible. A donation receipt will be sent to you.

Our account details:
Kunstfreunde Andreas Felger e. V.
Fürstlich Castell‘sche Bank
IBAN DE76790300011002514200

Donations to Kunstfreunde Andreas Felger e. V. are fully tax deductible due to our non-profit status. For amounts of 30 euros or more, we will also be happy to issue a donation receipt.